Habits that are damaging your skin


Habits that are damaging your skin


The scorching heat of India's summer season has pushed the bar shockingly high this year. The skin is the first to be affected by harsh weather. Yes, body lotions, caps, and sunglasses protect the skin, but your everyday habits and lifestyle also play a role in keeping your skin healthy.


Some standard skincare routine can cause severe skin damage, ranging from overusing a product to believing any advice.

Isn't it true that we all want healthy and attractive skin? And to attain that goal, we include various products into our daily routines, trust any skincare advice, and select a variety of expensive treatments. Have you ever considered the daily behavior cause of your skin damage?



Yes, it is correct. Certain habits increase our skin problems and prevent us from having the glowing skin we deserve. Here are few widespread practices shut all of us are guilty of, and that cause significant skin damage:


 Failure to wash your face before bed

You are not washing your face before the night is a cardinal offense, especially if you're wearing makeup. It'll almost certainly result in breakouts and damaged skin. Even if you don't wear makeup, you should wash your face before going to bed since oil and dust accumulated on the skin's surface throughout the day can be harmful. So, if you've been putting it off, now is the time to start doing it. It keeps your skin clean, healthy, and free of acne.



During the winter, not wearing sunscreen

This is something that many of us do! We believe that the sun isn't bright enough and that it won't impact our skin during the winter months. The truth is that just because the sun isn't shining brightly enough doesn't mean it isn't shining at all. Without sunscreen, exposure to the sun causes photodamage, contributing to the early emergence of indications of aging, such as fine wrinkles. The bottom line is that you should always wear sunscreen, regardless of the season or weather.  It protects your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays and keeps it healthy.



Using one pillowcase for a long period.

Using one pillowcase for an extended period gathers dust like any other surface. When we use the same pillowcase for an extended period sports all of the dust and impurities on our face, it's probably time to change your pillowcase if you've been getting breakouts.



Exfoliating frequently

We all know that too much of anything is terrible, and exfoliation is no exception. To remove dead skin cells and pollutants from the surface of your skin, exfoliate once a week. It will keep your skin clear of acne and give it a healthy glow. On the other hand, exfoliating too much might harm your skin's outer layer and prevent it from performing its protective job. When you apply different products, it may produce rashes and a stinging sensation.




Excessive exposure to high-temperature environments

Extreme temperatures damage your skin's moisture levels, whether too cold or too hot.

They dehydrate your skin by removing its natural moisture. However, modern appliances such as air conditioners and room heaters are widely used. We frequently use these gadgets to find relief from the harsh temperatures outside, whether it is summer or winter. However, these devices must be utilized carefully to avoid drying our skin.



Using dirty Makeup Brushes

Why bother your reason. This is why: If you don't wash your brushes, you risk muddy colors plugged pores and bacterial infections. Meetings should be washed once every three weeks using a gentle shampoo like Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo, rinsed well, and left to dry overnight or cleaned wipes



Leaving the Gym

Exercise improves blood flow to the skin, resulting in a healthy-looking flush. It has been demonstrated to reduce tension both immediately and over time, leading to improved skin. "When you're worried, your cortisol levels rise, which causes acne and other skin problems," Rodan explains. "Your skin will get smoother and clearer if you reduce your cortisol spikes." (Of course, following that workout, you should wash your face promptly.)

In this way you can get clear Glass skin

bathe in hot water.

Perhaps you believe that hot water kills germs or that the warmth calms your muscles, yet hot showers are unsuitable for your skin.

Hot baths deplete your skin's natural oils, making it dry and potentially irritating.

"I advise my patients to take a warm shower, but not too hot, to maintain their skin's moisture barrier and overall wellness." Fat-free products may help you lose weight, but they can hurt your skin. A Penn State study discovered a link between fat-free milk drinking and acne, but not full-fat milk consumption. "Whey and casein, milk proteins, can affect insulin levels and cause severe systemic inflammation," explains Dr. Bowe. "Importantly, whey and casein are frequently added in even higher amounts to skim milk to thicken this fat-free milk." Instead, she recommends unsweetened non-dairy milk such as almond, hemp, flax, or coconut. Dietary changes may also aid in the removal of "chicken skin," commonly known as keratosis pilaris.




You don't wear sunglasses

Sunglasses shield not only your eyes but also the delicate skin around your eyes.  Use UV-protective sunglasses and clean them periodically to avoid dirt buildup on the nose pads, irritating the skin.



Excessive consumption of fatty and junk foods

It's the fast-food world, with fries, burgers, and pizzas. Furthermore, working late hours or frequent social gatherings with friends causes us to order food from restaurants or dine in these cafes and restaurants. Heat burns, acidity, indigestion, bloating, and other health issues can all be caused by eating poor meals. Its effect is frequently seen on the skin as acne.



Sleep deprivation


Staying up late at night reading through your phone or working on a screen, partying till late at night, and just obtaining 3-4 hours of sleep causes significant skin damage. 


Sleep deprivation accelerates the aging process and wrinkles. Your skin, like your mind, requires slumber to rejuvenate and radiate the next day.


Cell phone use for long periods 

Cell phone use for long periods can cause breakouts and rashes along the jawline and face. Keep antibacterial wipes on hand to clean your phone (and your skin).


Face Contact with Hair Products

Use a clean towel to cover your face the next time you apply hairspray to protect your skin. When you go to the gym, wear a sweatband to prevent hair products from dripping into your face as you sweat.



Sunglasses that are filthy

Remember to clean your sunglasses just like your regular lenses. Bacteria that collect on your glasses can enter the pores under your nose's bridge, producing breakouts and irritation.


Too Much Alcohol Consumption


Wine, beer, and other alcoholic beverages can dry your skin, leaving it thirsty for moisture. You are more prone to wrinkles and dryness without that moisture.



Too Much Air Conditioning

Turn your air conditioner down instead of turning it up to give your skin more moisture. If your air conditioner is continually on full blast, it depletes the humidity and hydration your skin needs.


Makeup Application

Allow your skin to breathe by avoiding cosmetics for a few days a week. This will help you avoid premature aging by preventing clogged pores and breakouts.



Exfoliating Too Frequently

Exfoliating your skin too often might deplete it with the essential oils it needs to preserve its natural radiance. To maintain your skin healthy, exfoliate once a week.




Muscular movements caused by facial expressions cause frown lines. Avoid scrunching and pouting your face to give your skin a break since this will develop permanent creases and lines.



Taking Too Much Sugar

When you overeat sugar, it damages the collagen in your skin, causing it to sag. Organic fruits like pineapple or mango can help you beat your sweet tooth.