10 summer foods to enhance your nutrition



Summer happiness should be part of our personal and professional lives. Here are some tips to focus on nutrition and get you through the heat. 

 To a large extent, the pandemic has fueled the rise of home fitness, telehealth, and digital well-being. As we enter midsummer in India adjust to a more laid-back attitude by taking time to rest, relax,  and participate in social gatherings. As this laid-back attitude prevails, many people will also lose sight of the importance of nutrition for their physical health. 


Let's dive into the importance of checking your health and nutrition during the summer, challenges, and helpful tips for improving nutrition.

 Nutrition and health in the summer 

 Focusing on nutrition and health during the summer isn't just about achieving fitness goals. One study found that an individual's food intake can be affected by heat - people generally eat less when the weather is warmer. While it can help with weight loss, reducing food intake needs to be done healthily to compensate for the energy lost when the body is exposed to heat. 

 On the other hand, people tend to eat more during the cold season. One possible explanation for this is the effect of light and how it can stimulate feelings of hunger. When our bodies are exposed to less sunlight, which happens in winter, we crave food to store energy and ensure our survival. In contrast, the cravings will be less and less intense when the light is abundant in the summer. 

 Having good nutrition through a healthy diet remains the key to weight loss and staying healthy. For many people, summer wellness means staying in shape with regular exercise. Unfortunately, activity contributes only 25% to overall health, according to a former director of the University of Utah Nutrition Clinic and nutritional biochemist Shan M. Talbott, who says, "On average, dieters who didn't exercise for 15 weeks lost 23 pounds; users only took six out of about 21 weeks. Cutting calories is much easier than burning them off. »


1 Curd and butter:

Curd and butter Help keep you cool in the summer heat and are rich in calcium and protein, and contain probiotics [good bacteria] that keep your digestive system running smoothly. You can add a few fresh mint leaves, cumin powder, and black salt to the buttermilk for extra spiciness. Must read our blog post about the summer skincare routine for glowing skin.

2 Gooseberry (Amla)


 Gooseberry (Amla) is a rich source of vitamin C and fiber. Studies show it to be a collagen booster, particularly valuable for the heart and hair and reverse the effects of sun-induced aging. You can eat it raw, boiled, or make amla juice by adding four chopped fresh amla leaves to a cup of water. Blend fresh gooseberries in a mixer, strain the liquid and add a tablespoon of honey and crushed ice for extra taste. 

3 Sweet corn


 Sweet Corn is best to consume organically cultivated Corn. Corn is a rich vitamin A, B, E, fiber, and minerals source. It contains lutein and zeaxanthin [found in leafy greens and deep orange or yellow-colored foods], which help lower your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, a common cause of blindness in the elderly. You can grill, bake or boil the Corn according to your liking. You can also steam the Corn with other vegetables like zucchini and bell peppers, which go exceptionally well with Corn for a delicious vegetarian salad. Must read our blog post clean eating for good health.


4 Tender Coconut Water


 An ideal energizing drink provided by Nature. It contains vitamins, minerals, calcium, potassium, and magnesium in their natural form that help replenish the body with nutrients lost through sweating and dehydration.



5 Summer Fresh Fruits.

 Fruits Watermelons, pears, papayas, plums, berries, apricots, cherries, mangoes, and oranges are abundant during the summer season. These fruits are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They can be cut into small pieces and eaten or consumed as delicious juices and fruit salads. Simply chop up some fruit of your choice and drizzle some lime juice over it to enhance the flavor. It is best to prepare salads fresh as they will lose their crispness if stored in the refrigerator. You can also add chopped fruit to the curd and sprinkle it with cinnamon powder, basil seeds, and dried fruit for a delicious and crunchy dessert. Milkshakes made with mango and banana are loved by children. Must read tips for healthy guts. You can also use coconut milk instead of cow's milk to change the taste. 



6 Lemonade or Nimbu Paani 


This is the most popular summer drink in India. Pour the juice of a lemon or two into a cup of water and add a dash of roasted cumin, mint, and black salt for a savory taste. You can add sugar and black salt for a sweet lemonade. Must read for getting glowing skin the four pillars for skincare.



7 Fresh Summer Vegetables


They contain antioxidants that prevent cell damage caused by intense heat, vitamins, and fiber that improve heart health, lower cholesterol, and prevent chronic diseases like cancer. Tomatoes help protect the skin from the sun because they contain lycopene which helps prevent sunburn. Zucchini, cabbage, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, and cucumbers are abundant during the summer months. Sliced ​​cucumber or tomato, seasoned with salt and pepper, or mixed with other vegetables to make a salad is a healthy way to cool down this summer. Mix it with olive oil, salt, pepper, and a dash of lemon to enhance the flavor.

8 Dull, Verdant Greens


You'll fill up on new spinach, kale, turnip greens, drumstick greens, and mustard greens in summer to secure skin from sun harm. They diminish affectability to UV light and patch flaky and dry skin, fortifying the skin's guard against the sun's harming beams. 




9 Iced Tea

Tea is wealthy in flavonoids [a sort of antioxidant] which make your bones, teeth, and gums sound. Naturally brewed tea has the most extreme well-being benefits. Bubble a glass of water and include one teaspoon of tea. Clears out and let it stew for ten minutes. Cool and include nectar to taste. It is fitting to drink one or two glasses of frosted tea day by day as more amounts may result in rest and stomach disturbances. 



10 Sprouts


Sprouts are simple to process and contain elevated levels of water and supplements. They can be eaten alone or blended in a serving of mixed greens or included with other vegetables. A watermelon, pineapple, cucumber, and grow serving of mixed greens could be a delicious way of beating the summer blues.





Tips to improve the nutrition in this summer 


 1. Control your Portions Two people eating a bowl of food with chopsticks 

 Following a healthy diet does not mean you should altogether remove favorite food items from the plate. Consider moderation in consumption as a better option. Don't overindulge; stick to the appropriate serving size. This practice is an excellent way to train your body to be satisfied with a smaller portion. 


Aim for healthy plate of food 

 Try to follow a healthy diet plan. Balance your intake of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and fruits and vegetables. Ideally, 50% of the plate should contain fruits and vegetables, and the other half should be dairy products, proteins, and grains. 



 3. Control your Caffeine Intake 

 Increased consumption of caffeine can increase the risk of dehydration. Caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, which can cause frequent urination. Try to limit intake to one or two cups a day to reduce the risk of dehydration, which can also cause headaches.


 4. Go for Cool and Healthy Foodwoman cutting fruit 

 It can be tempting to reach for sugary drinks and food items when the temperature is high. Although these sweet treats can be rejuvenating, their nutritional value is not high. It is best to drink filtered water or fresh fruit juices that contain natural sugars. For a healthy cooling try, mix different fruits and blend them in a blender to make a refreshing smoothie.



5. Avoid fat diets 

 It's easy to try different diets but do your research first. Learn about the possible pros and cons of the diet. If possible, consult a dietitian or dietitian to better understand ​​its effects on the body and overall health. Employers should consider providing a food database service to their health plan to provide reliable food-related meal recommendations. 


 6. Eat often 

 Skipping meals,  intermittent fasting, and cutting calories have different effects. It's essential to eat right according to your lifestyle and your body's needs. For example, more active people should consider a diet high in protein and carbohydrates to help build muscle and increase energy during exercise. People with a sedentary lifestyle can focus more on their micronutrient intake. A digital meal planner, such as Modernmeal, can inspire those who have trouble planning and preparing nutritious meals. 

 A healthy diet also includes keeping track of your snacks – replacing cookies, cakes, and pastries with healthier options like fruit, nuts, and low-fat yogurt. lemon juice.



 8. Increase fluid intake 

 Summer heat can cause the body to sweat more. Paying attention to hydration can help keep your body from overheating, energizing, and functioning correctly. Remember that almost every system in your body depends on water. Starting your day with a tall glass of water helps you keep track of your fluid intake, especially water, to make sure you're staying hydrated. Try choosing fruit juices instead of energy drinks! 


 Implement a nutrition program 

 Improving your nutrition won't just get you through the summer; The benefits can improve your personal and professional life. Follow these tips and encourage your employees to focus on nutrition this summer and beyond. However, understanding the importance of staying hydrated, portion sizes, and the benefits of filling high-fiber meals may not be common knowledge for some people. To better engage your employees in their food, encourage them to participate in a nutrition-focused virtual challenge. These challenges combine nutrition education with personalized tracking and chemistry gameplay to increase user engagement.